Friday, February 22, 2013

Mission accomplished...

Here is an interesting tale. Why do some people show a lot of cowardice? And by some people, I mean one man’s eldest daughter. This daughter had the gull to show up unannounced at the hospital even after her latest fiasco against her father. The daughter has said and done many hateful things toward the father. It was the father that had contacted the daughter and talked to her by phone to discuss his newly discovered cancer diagnosis. She was already aware of the diagnosis, yet still did not call her father. It was the daughter that had cut off communications with him nearly two years before. During this phone call from her very ill father, she did not inquire about his heath; but instead focused the conversation solely upon herself. The daughter had made no attempt to communicate with her father, before or after the father's phone call to her. She had expressed no concern for him. She had made no inquiries to her father regarding his upcoming procedures. She had made no inquiries to her father regarding the outcome of the procedures. She had only continued her game of deceit. She had taken no responsibility for her actions. The heartbreak that she was causing the father was beyond measure. It was sad.

She was not welcomed at the hospital. She did not call, she did not inquire, and she just showed up unannounced and walked right into his hospital room as if she had done nothing to him!  She laughed and giggled as if she had done nothing wrong. She acted as if they were old friends that just spoke yesterday,which they clearly were not. They are a long way from friends. It was very alarming. It was so far away from reality that it was distressing. The father was not feeling well enough to dealing with this daughter since he was just a few days out of major surgery, so he did not deal with her at all. Instead he made small talk. The father’s wife followed the father’s cues and responded likewise. Not once did the conversation turn personal. Not once did she say “how are you?” Not once did she say “I’m sorry for what I did to you.” Not once did she apologize for the outright lies that she has told. Not once did she say “I’m sorry for dropping in unannounced.” Not once did she say "I'm sorry for keeping my kids away from you." The father tolerated her visit but he was not happy about it  A bit later the father was discharged from the hospital; he said goodbye to her and went home. It was over.

The father had thought that it was over, but it wasn't. The next morning the daughter called him and wanted to drop of some things at his home. The father decided to just meet them in the driveway. It was a very short conversation  The father did not invite them inside. The wife just stood by her husband and watched the awkward encounter between the father and daughter. The father and daughter said an odd goodbye, and had a half-hearted obligatory hug. It was an extremely uncomfortable scene to witness. Sadly, the phrase ‘I love you' was not uttered by her. The phrase ‘I hope you get well’ was not spoken by her.

Her actions were clearly a sign of disrespect towards him. She knew she had created unnecessary tension in the past, and she had chosen to do it yet again. Her “visit” was not helpful in the least, in fact, it was the opposite  She caused him heartache and stress. She knew she had created unnecessary drama in the past, and she had chosen to do it yet again. She had decided to show up in his hospital room and sit there and giggle and carry on as if she had never done anything wrong; as if she hadn't said the things that have been done and said. It was one of the most awkward and tension filled things that one had witnessed in a very long time. There was definitely something not right. She seemed to be a severely disconnected from reality. The behavior she displayed was not what one would consider normal.  One truly hopes that someday someone will help her get the mental help and guidance that she so clearly needs.

The father later stated that he was shocked at nerve of her. One could see that the father was disappointed beyond words by her callous behavior  The father had made it perfectly clear to both daughter and son-in-law that their (father, daughter, son-in-law) next conversation needed to be in a neutral setting, after he wasn't so sick. This was not a neutral setting  and he was not well enough to deal with this. It appears that this may be the straw that broke the camel’s back. One finds it so sad that she has chosen this path and destroyed their relationship single-handedly. She is the one that will have to look into the mirror and face the reality of her own actions. Fingers can be pointed, blame can be cast, but it is her mirror that holds the truth. The father could have used the support of his eldest daughter during the medical crisis, but instead she chooses more games, more lies  and more deceit. It was so disturbing to him. It was so hurtful to him. It was so heartbreaking to see her act that way. Her visit was not to show love, there was no love exchanged. Her visit was not to show concern, as she did not inquire as to his health or well-being. Her visit was not to show support to the father, as no support was shown or given. Her visit was not to try and reestablish a relationship with her father, as no additional contact has been made by her. It appears as if her purpose for her visit was simply to cause more hurt and anguish. Mission accomplished.

“Sometimes when you give up on someone, it’s not because you don’t care anymore, but because you realize they don’t.” ~unknown

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