Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The surgery day 2.12.13...

We arrived at 5:45a for Jim's surgery to remove his left lung. After admittance paperwork, we were taken to his ICU room where a team of five nurses prepared Jim for the operation. Jim spoke with his doctor about the procedure.

Yesterday, we took the kids to build-a-bear and Jim bought Kristen a bear and Matt a dog. We wanted them to have something special to hug until Jim returned home from the hospital.

Jim was able to phone our youngest son Matt this morning; just before Matt left for school. Jim was able to visit with Kristen this morning before we left for the hospital. Jim talked by phone to Kira and Jessica. Dan is in England and I relayed Dan's messages to Jim.

Then, we wait. Jim was prepped and ready. Jim's surgeon was delayed, so we waited some more.

Jim went through the OR door at 1:11p. This was about two hours behind schedule. At 1:45p the nurse said the doctor "liked what he saw" and proceeded to remove the lung. 4:05p The nurse said that the lung was out and that the doctor was closing, then Jim would be in recovery.

At 5p I spoke with the surgeon. The cancerous tumor was huge, and more than expected. It had encroached on the heart sack and it was in the superior pulmonary vein. The doctor took all that he could but it was too close to the heart. Chemo and radiation will begin in the next 1-3 weeks. The next 24 hrs would be tricky. The doctor's biggest concerns right now are blood clots, heart attack, stroke. Blood thinners are being given to help prevent this.

The hospital seems to be managing Jim's pain well. Jim is resting the best he can, considering. A long night is still ahead. 11p 2.12.13 photos: before surgery, Matt visiting his dad after surgery.


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