Friday, February 8, 2013

Just one month ago…

It was only one month ago that everything seemed normal. All my “normal” was about to change. We found out on January 9th, 2013, that my husband, Jim, had a mass in his lung. On January 17th, we were told it was most likely cancer. This diagnosis was confirmed a few days later. After more tests we were told two encouraging bits of news: The cancer was non-small cell, and the cancer was contained to one area. Both of these were blessings to us. Jim is working with four doctors that he is very comfortable with. Four days from today, on February 12, just five short weeks after our first bit of information, Jim will have his entire left lung removed.

In the beginning we only told a few people about what Jim was dealing with, and we found in them a great source of love, prayer and encouragement. All of those conversations were very positive and uplifting. Once Jim was ready, we told the rest our friends and family. Most of those conversations were supportive and encouraging. Sadly, not all. 

I can’t speak for Jim, but for me it has been a roller coaster of emotions; worry, denial, and anger being the most prominent. Right now I am in a ‘just roll with it’ state of mind. It is out of my control. I can only react to it. I can’t predict what will happen. I can’t fix it. I can’t make it go away. It is what it is. We will play the cards that are dealt to us.

I am so thankful to those that have been praying for Jim, and for my family. I am thankful to those that have sent us words of encouragement. I am thankful that the cancer is not as bad as it could have been. I am thankful that the cancer was caught in time to do something about it. I am thankful that two of our adult children happened to be here to help us deal with the initial news. I am thankful that the survival rate for this surgery is very high (95%). I am thankful to my Facebook friends that have been so supportive. I am thankful for many things, even in the midst of all of this.

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