Thursday, February 14, 2013

Today is a new day...

Last night I received a call from Jim that he had trouble breathing and he had to get medical support. I was so scared. I was at home with the kids. I can't drive at night. I had been awake for 41 hours so I could barely function. It broke my heart that I could not go to him. I worried about him all night, but I am so glad that he called me to let me know. Even though I worry, even though I lost sleep, I am glad that Jim called me to let me know.

It was a rough night for my husband Jim last night, but he is doing better this morning. As a friend told me, Jim's path to healing won't be straight; two steps forward, one step back. We'll just have to see what this day holds.

Today Jim is struggling some with his breathing. The aches and pains from his surgery are beginning to effect him more. But, Jim began to breathe better and his spirits were lifted this morning.

Jim made me a Valentine's Day card! I was so surprised! I was so touched that in the midst of Jim's own crisis, Jim was thinking of me. I will treasure that card always.

Jim started his day with a walk. He is gaining strength each day. After lunch he had yet another walk, two laps this time! Later, a third walk. Go Jim! His drive and determination is a wonderful thing.

He has been able to eat some, but of course he doesn't have his previous appetite. I think his eating will improve with time.

His spirits are good. As a friend said, I'm glad they did not remove his funny bone!

So, although today started out difficult, Jim finished his day with flying colors. Jim was moved out of ICU and into a regular room today, Valentine's Day. Most of the hoses, tubes, leads and such have been removed. Jim is looking great! I cannot wait for Jim to return home. I'm in awe of Jim's success. Here's a photo of Jim just after he was moved into his new room. 

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