Friday, February 22, 2013

Phase two has begun...

Jim continues to recover from his pneumonectomy on 12Feb13. It is a slow process. Lots of ups and downs, steps forward, steps backwards and one never knows what each day will hold. The surgeons were unable to remove all of the cancer from Jim, even after his left lung was removed. The cancer had encroached upon the heart, and there is a small tumor in the superior pulmonary vein. Jim will require aggressive treatment, in the form of chemotherapy and radiation. 

Jim had an appointment today with his oncologist. It went well. Baseline tests have been ordered and the wheels are in motion to begin Jim’s chemotherapy “soon”. We hear that word “soon” quite often and we are never sure exactly what that means.

It will be a long and difficult journey, but one that must be taken. As a friend said, the goal is not to finish the race first, but it is a race that must be completed. Another friend said: the road to recovery is never straight.

My friends have stepped forward and given us assistance that we did not even realize that we needed. We are very thankful for them. We have each been surprised to receive emotional support from our respective acquaintances, which are now our friends. We are very thankful for our closer relationships. We each have some dear friends that are encouraging us in many ways, as we knew that they would. We are each very thankful for those dear friends.

Phase two of the journey has now begun.

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