Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blizzard of Oz...

internet photo

 Kansas had a big snowfall (second on record) lovingly named "The Blizzard of Oz", followed two days later by another snowfall; 21” in total which is a new record for us! Our kids were out of school on Thursday and Friday, then again on Monday and Tuesday, six consecutive days out of school!

We were very blessed to have everything we needed during the storms so we did not have to venture out. Our home had electricity the entire time. Our internet never faltered. I did get some exercise while moving snow. I was very thankful to our neighbor; he helped me shovel our drive and walkway, twice! Our 11 year old son Matt cleared the snow today, thankfully without my help because moving snow made me pretty sore and stiff.

This snowfall has caused some chaos with doctor appointments. Our appointment on Thursday 21Feb13 was bumped to Friday 22Feb13. Friday’s appointment triggered four new appointments that cannot be scheduled yet due to doctor offices and facilities being closed due to the storms. Jim tried calling for appointments several times today, but only received answering machines. We are afraid that these storms have added another week to his recovery mission.

My husband Jim is continuing to make healing progress. His pain is now being managed well, after some initial setbacks. His endurance continues to improve, but is not yet where he wants it to be. Jim’s body is recovering at a slow but steady pace, which is exactly what the doctors have told us to expect. Jim walked a short distance in the snow packed street today. He is already tired of being cooped up. Perhaps the weather that caused the appointment delays will be a blessing in disguise because it has allowed Jim an extra week to heal and recover.  Jim continues to keep a positive attitude. As a friend of mine has stated, Jim’s funny bone was not removed. 

beginning, middle, end of Blizzard of Oz 25-26Feb2013

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