Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Surgery date set…

Today, Jim (and I) met with the surgeon. The date for Jim’s pneumonectomy (entire lung) has been set for Tuesday 12Feb2013. Jim will arrive bright and early and the procedure should start around 11:30a, and will last approximately five hours. Of course nerves are on edge, but Jim and I are both glad that there is an option for ridding his body of this cancer. We know that there are no guarantees, but we do have strong hope for a full recovery. Jim is tired of feeling sick and he is ready to begin his recovery. The doctor has said that Jim’s recovery will take 4-6 months, perhaps more… but it will all depend on his recovery rate of success. Some patients recover more quickly, some take longer, so we will just have to wait and see. Jim has always done things full-blast, and I would expect his recovery to reflect that same go-get-'em spirit. 

The lung cancer awareness ribbon is pearl. If you are so inclined, please post this photo on your Facebook or blog on Tuesday February 12th, 2013. You can simply copy and paste it, or swipe it from my fb page. 

If you'd like to order a magnet, here is the link that I found online here

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