Tuesday, April 9, 2013

White blood cells...

For the last two chemo sessions in a row, my husband Jim’s white blood cell count has been low. Those two sessions (C1d15, C1d22) Jim only received a half dose of his chemo. This is a concern for us on two levels. First, his WBC count is very low and his immune system is very weak putting him at risk for infections that he cannot fight. Second, his chemo plan may fall behind on his schedule which could delay the radiation evaluations, putting him at risk for cancer spread. 

On an up note, Jim’s red cell count was within range. Jim has been able to manage his nausea. Jim is tired but seems to be managing his fatigue with frequent naps and resting times. 

Please pray for Jim’s WBC count to rise to an acceptable range. Please pray that Jim will not be exposed to any negative germs. 

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