Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another month...

Image from Google Images

As any family dealing with a medical crisis, our family is doing our best to meet our financial needs and financial obligations. I am happy to say that we have successfully made it through another month. For us, this is worth sharing because it has been a challenge at times.

In February we completely drained our savings account to pay medical bills. In March we received financial help from friends and we used the gift to pay down more medical bills. This month we received our income tax refund and again used it to pay down medical our obligations.

About three years ago, and before Jim’s cancer crisis, I had put our family on a “financial diet” to try to pay off all of our debts because I dislike paying interest. That plan has been indefinitely put on hold. No extra payments are being made on any of our debts; instead we are focusing on our minimum payments so that we can try and pay all of our medical bills. I am doing whatever it takes to keep Jim’s treatments going and to stay even with all of our obligations. 

My job pays near minimum wage, but it is steady income and more importantly I truly love the job. Jim is receiving another month of short-term disability at 60% of his previous gross, but we have 100% of the bills in addition to the added medical expenses and all that goes along with that. Jim has to re-qualify for short term disability every 30 days, so we never know from month to month if we'll have enough money or not. Jim will not be able to return to work for quite some time. We have to step out on faith and pray that the disability is approved each month; as well as make up the 40% shortfall. That is so very stressful to us both. 

Our biggest budget adjustments have been: gasoline, groceries, and co-pays. Gasoline to get to all of the various appointments that Jim must attend. Pre-cancer we hardly drove the car anywhere at all but now we are attending many medical appointments per week. Groceries so that Jim can eat healthier. We have always eaten a balanced diet but now we must greatly increase the fresh vegetables and fruits to help Jim's body fight the cancer. Co-pays are $35 for every single appointment, chemo treatment, consultation, lab work, x-rays, etc. I quickly learned that co-pays and deductibles are not the same. Our co-pays are in addition to our deductible (20% of the bill); and in addition to the over-the-counter meds and vitamins that are not covered at all. 

Please keep in mind that I'm not complaining, just stating that ‘it is what it is’ and financial issues are part of the picture. We are happy that we are still maintaining this month. We are proud of the fact that we have met this challenge again this month. 

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