Tuesday, April 9, 2013


*This entry is not in chronological order.* 
Last week (April 1-4, 2013) we were blessed to have my husband Jim’s daughter Jessica visit us. Unfortunately, her two year old triplets could not visit because of Jim’s weakened immune system. Our son-in-law stayed home to care for the children. Jessica’s dear friend also assisted in childcare. I am thankful that they could work it out so that Jessica could come and visit.

Jessica was able to stay a few days. We really enjoyed having her here. Jim especially had a good time visiting and catching up with Jessica. Jessica has been a wonderful support for Jim, and for me. She is kind, loving, wise, and a friend. It has been a joy to watch her mature into a wife, loving mother, skilled nurse, and true friend to many. 

I wish we could get together more often. Iowa is close, but sometimes it seems very far away from Kansas. As soon as Jim is in remission from his lung cancer, we plan to visit Iowa more often. 

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