Thursday, April 18, 2013

Catching up...

It has been unseasonably chilly here in Kansas this mid-April 2013. I am ready for spring to arrive with some new flowers, green grass, and new leaves on the trees. I am ready for a fresh start and a fresh outlook.

from google images
My husband Jim had his first three days of treatment in this second cycle of chemotherapy for his lung cancer. Jim’s white blood cells continue to be an issue. Jim is very queasy, even while taking his two anti-nausea medicines. Jim is very tired. He takes several naps to try and deal with the fatigue. Jim continues to have a good attitude and good spirits because it is what it is.

My new job is going well. I really enjoy working with children again. I love the cooperative spirit at the school with everyone on the same team and no drama. It makes going to work more like a hobby than a job because it is such an enjoyable experience. I love the “light bulb” moment when a child understands the new task. I have been there to witness their joy and pride at mastering a new skill.

My family will continue to play the cards that are dealt to us as we move forward in this journey. 

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