Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April updates about Jim...

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Jim had a busy week. Monday, 22Apr13 C2d8, Jim had his scheduled chemo treatment. His white blood cell count was just enough that he was able to receive a full dose of the medicine. This was good news because I want the cancer gone!

Also that week Jim had an echocardiogram on his heart. This was a follow up to the echo that he'd had last month. The doctors are looking to see if everything is still the same. The results were as expected.

And that week Jim had a CT scan. This CT scan will establish a post-surgery benchmark to measure the cancer movement as the chemo progresses. The results have not yet been discussed with us in detail, but nothing alarming was in the report.

On Monday, 29Apr13 C2d15, Jim had his scheduled chemo appointment. Jim’s white blood cell count was again very low. Jim was not able to receive the full dose of chemo but Jim was able to receive a half-dose.

Jim is still very nauseous. Jim is still very fatigued. Jim is still very weak. All of this was to be expected from the cancer and from the chemo treatments. 

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