Monday, April 15, 2013

Cycle Two, C2d1...

Today is C2d1, Cycle two day one. Jim will have 4-6 cycles of chemotherapy for his lung cancer. Each cycle is 28 days. 

Jim’s white blood cell count is still low, but he was able to receive a full dose of both chemo medicines today. This full dose treatment was a blessing because at the previous two treatments Jim was only able to receive half dose. Jim will have two more treatments this week, then one per week for three weeks. I am very pleased that Jim was able to maintain his treatment schedule.

Today Jim is feeling pretty queasy. He has already had to take one nap today after he arrived back home from his chemo treatment. The nausea and the fatigue are very real issues. Jim has trouble with day-to-day events due to the fatigue and nausea. Jim has not yet lost his hair. I am surprised that Jim still has his hair because the doctor had stated that hair loss was to be expected. Perhaps that is yet to come.

At the end of this second cycle, the doctors should reevaluate Jim to assess his radiation plan. They plan to have Jim do simultaneous treatments. This may be difficult. We will have to wait and see.

I will be glad when the doctors will be able to tell us that Jim’s cancer is in remission… that will be a glorious day, and I am looking forward to it. 

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