Wednesday, April 24, 2013

No garden...

This year I had wanted to put in a small garden with some basic vegetables like tomatoes, green/yellow/red peppers, green beans, and some herbs. I have recently enjoyed canning foods and dehydrating foods and I had looked forward to an abundance of these vegetables. I had considered a few basic flowers as well like pansy and marigolds. But in the end, I decided to put in no garden at all. 

I decided that I would not have the time or energy to properly care for a garden. It bothers me to have a weed-patch because I don’t take the time to weed it. It bothers me to have produce go to waste because I don't have the time to pick it. It bothers me to see my garden wilt away in the Kansas heat because I don't have the energy to water it. I would be saddened to look at the garden every day. I would feel very guilty for not giving the garden the time and effort that it needed. Instead of a vegetable garden bringing me joy, it would bring me heartache. So I have decided there will be no garden for me this year.

Both my time and my energy will be very limited this summer.  With Jim’s cancer and cancer treatment side effects, and my children’s summer schedules, and I may have to find a summer job, I felt that a garden this year would be too much for me. I decided that I would plant nothing this year and take gardening, watering, and weeding, completely off of my plate.

There have been several things that I have had to remove completely off my plate; and now I will add gardening to that list. There will be a few more things that I will have to make a decision about in the very near future. I just feel that in order for me to maintain some form of sanity, I have had to make some personal decisions about what things will be given my time and my energy. Sure, I'm a bit down about this but on the other hand I am pleased that I am able to make the choices that will help me to deal with my present situation. The more items that I can take off my plate, the more focused my time and energy will be. 

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