Monday, March 11, 2013

Waiting room...

I am getting pretty efficient at waiting. Since my husband Jim's lung cancer diagnoses I have spent a lot of time waiting; waiting at doctor appointments, waiting at surgery, waiting at hospitals, waiting for phone calls, waiting on results, waiting for Jim, lots and lots of waiting. I spend lots of time thinking, time praying, time reading, and time sewing.

I am working on a hexagon quilt for Jim. I have been able to work on this project quite a bit recently. I'm glad that I have something to fill the time, but saddened that Jim has so many appointments. The quilt is hand-stitched so it is easy to start and stop at anytime. I think Jim will like it. I hope he will appreciate it.

Today I am waiting yet again. Jim is having his "powerport" implanted today so that he can start his chemo soon. This port is state of the art, titanium, and will be very beneficial during his chemotherapy treatments.

So, once again I will pick up the needle and sew.

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