Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Good news...

Today I am writing about some good news. Yesterday, my husband Jim had his power port implanted into his chest. The tubing goes directly into his superior vena cava vein. This will make Jim’s chemo sessions much easier for him. The device is small and completely contained. This titanium power port will stay implanted for many years. In the photo below you can see the small incision where the port was implanted. The upper photo is an Internet image of the device before installation. The lower photo is Jim’s actual chest x-ray just after the procedure. Here is the link for more information about Jim’s Power Port.

Yesterday Jim also had a colonoscopy to rule-out cancer in the colon. The results were good; no cancer was found in the colon. This news made me very happy.

Today Jim and I, along with my Uncle and Aunt, went to visit “Victory in the Valley”, a cancer support organization in Wichita, Kansas. *My Uncle is also dealing with cancer. We were very pleased with what we learned about this organization. VV is privately funded; no funds from United Way! Jim and I plan to utilize one of their support groups.  They also provided Jim and my Uncle with a goody bag of supplies to assist them in dealing with cancer.

I will enjoy learning more about this organization. I read in the brochure that they also have a quilting group. I think I might want to give the quilting group a try. I think I would like to volunteer at VV after Jim is more stable.  If you would like more information about VV, here is their link. You may show support for VV by liking their facebook page FYI, the home in the background belongs to Kirstie Alley

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