Friday, March 15, 2013

New job...

The job that I applied for recently has come through. There were so many qualified candidates that I was pleasantly surprised that I was selected. After being a stay at home mom for over 15 years, I am now a working mom again. I am proud that Jim and I are meeting our own financial needs.

Right now I am feeling bitter-sweet. I am proud that I was chosen for the job, but I am saddened that I will be returning to the workforce. I am glad that I can provide for the family, but disappointed that it pays so little. I am happy that the job is part time, but wish that the job had some benefits that only come with the full time position. I will no longer be available for our special needs daughter because I am working, but I hope that Jim can take the call if there is an emergency. All my mornings will now be committed, but my afternoons will allow me to be available for Jim’s appointments. 

I know I will love the job… once I get over the guilt.

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