Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Plan...

My husband Jim met with his oncologist. Jim now has a chemotherapy plan in place. The doctor stated that Jim’s treatments will be “harsh and aggressive”. Jim will most likely lose his hair. Jim will most likely display severe symptoms from the chemo sessions.

Jim’s first appointments are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Monday’s appointment will take over 7.5 hours. The nurse said “pack a lunch!” I’m glad the nurses seem humorous. Jim will enjoy that. Jim will have at least four cycles. Each cycle is 28 days, with some days treatment and some days off. It may extend to six cycles, but that will be determined later. Jim will also, most likely, have radiation. The amount and location of the radiation will be determined later.

Jim is feeling like he wants this all behind him. He really isn't scared; perhaps cautious is a better word. He wonders about all the unknowns in the equation. He isn't too upset about the hair loss because it is what it is.

I am ready to get the ball rolling. I am ready for Jim to heal. I am ready to get the cancer out of him so that we can get back to our ‘normal’ selves. I know that the road will be long, and difficult. I know we will face multiple challenges. I know we will have problematic situations. I also know that we will get through this, together. 

We desire your prayers, good wishes and encouraging words. 

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