Friday, March 8, 2013

Hospital ER visit...

Jim, Thursday 07Mar13
My husband, Jim, has had another temporary setback. We went to see one of Jim’s doctors on Thursday. The doctor was concerned with Jim’s symptoms that day and thought Jim could be having a blood clot issue. The doctor ordered further tests; but the results were inconclusive. They sent Jim home to wait for a phone call regarding an appointment with the surgeon to confirm the questionable results.

Jim, Thursday, 07Mar13
While Jim was waiting at home, his pain greatly intensified to the point that we called the doctor. We were instructed to go to the hospital emergency room. The hospital admitted Jim overnight. Jim began to feel better as Thursday evening went along. 

On Friday morning Jim felt pretty good and we were gearing up for the discharge from the hospital. Then, after lunch on Friday, Jim took a turn for the worse and his pain intensified yet again. After consulting a doctor and Jim’s surgeon, Jim decided to remain in the hospital on Friday night as well. 

At this point I am unsure what Saturday will hold. I hope Jim begins to feel better soon so that he can continue his recovery at home. Jim has two pending appointments on Monday to install his ‘port’, and a colonoscopy. It is very important that Jim be able to complete these two appointments so that he can move forward on his recovery plan without further delay.

Edit: Jim was released on Saturday. Jim is on target for his procedures on Monday. 

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