Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today is the day...

Today is the day of Jim's first procedure (see previous post for details). It's not been a pleasant day so far. I'm sick with a stomach bug; son Matt has a bad cough. Luckily son Dan is visiting from England and he is looking after the kids.

11:15a We have checked in at the hospital and we are waiting in the waiting room. Jim is scheduled to begin at 1p. Jim is in good spirits despite the uncertainty. I wish that I felt better but it is what it is. I will try to update throughout the day, as long as I have power and Internet.

11:20a The nurse has taken Jim back to get him prepared. I am still waiting. 11:55 I'm now waiting with Jim.

12:35p Jim was just taken back. And now I wait. My cousin is here waiting with me. My mom joined us in the waiting room a bit later. This is Jim on his way into the procedure.

1:50p It was not the post surgery news we had hoped for. It is not an infection. The doctor's best guess is a cancer of some sort. Now we wait to find out the degree of concern. They are concerned about his weight loss. Surgery was briefly discussed. We will know more in a few days. :( Jim is now in recovery, joking and cutting up. This photo is Jim in recovery. We'll be going home any minute.

3:30p. We are home now. Jim is resting. I am still trying to process all the information. We will deal with whatever is thrown at us. 

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