Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Well, today we received some news. They had thought that my husband, Jim, had pneumonia for the last several weeks. But it turns out he does not. There is an unexplained mass on his left lung. One of the bronchial tubes has become blocked but they do not know why.

The doctor has scheduled an exploration into Jim’s lung on Thursday (17Jan2013). They will try to look at the blockage, and take some sample tissue for testing. The best case scenario is some type of infection that can be treated and will go away. The second scenario is that it is some kind of growth or tumor. They would then evaluate the next step. The third scenario is that it is some type of cancer. No plan of action for this worst case option was discussed at today’s appointment.

Although Jim is a non-smoker for 25 years now, the doctor stated that sometimes non-smokers can develop this cancer anyway. Jim has also been exposed (in addition to his own smoking for 10 years) to second hand smoke from his parent when he was a child, and from his ex-wife while they were married. How frustrating that secondhand smoke can so easily be avoided, yet people selfishly expose others to their dangerous habits. The doctor spent a lot of time talking about secondhand smoke. 

We have to deal with how and when to tell the children; not only our younger children at home, but our adult children as well. Jim’s elder daughter has not talked to Jim in nearly two years because of her own created issues. Jim wished he could have a relationship with her, but she refuses to take ownership of her own choices. Jim’s second daughter is very close with Jim, but Jim shouldn't come between the sisters. Jim’s step-son and step-daughter (my kids) are very supportive of Jim. Jim hasn't spoken to his own siblings or mother in nearly five years. They had a huge falling out and Jim was devastated by their betrayal to him. I have very little family, and my kids and I are rarely on even ground with them. Most of my extended family have issues of their own that they are dealing with. I do have a cousin that I often rely on, but she is already providing a lot of emotional support to others right now.

I am not sure how I am feeling right now. I’m a bit scared. I’m worried. I’m confused. I’m a bit overwhelmed. I don’t like seeing other people have to go through medical procedures and the physical and mental stress that goes with those procedures. I’m concerned for Jim, of course. He must be reeling from all the information that was just thrown at him (us). Jim is not really the “sharing” type of guy, so he has not expressed his concerns to me yet.

I often reach out to my Facebook friends when I am worried and concerned. My Facebook friends are my system of support. Jim has asked me not to post on Facebook yet because he doesn't want certain people to find out that he may be sick. Jim does not like fake concern from people that normally would not give a hoot about him. So here I sit at my keyboard… wondering if I should post this blog or not. If you are one of my (or Jim’s) Facebook friends, please do not publicly share this information on Facebook. Please do not share this blog with people you know Jim would not want to know. 

I guess for me, the emotion that I feel the most right now is… alone. I feel very alone. 


  1. You are not alone, my friend. I am always here for you, no matter what. If you need me, please let me know. I will be praying for Jim (and you), asking that an easy solution is found and that Jim will back to his normal ornery self. I love you as though you're my sister that I never got to know!!!
