Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Oncologist tomorrow...

We were told six weeks ago that Jim's NSCLC Lung Cancer had returned. Last week Jim had a CT and a PET scan. Tomorrow my husband Jim should receive the results of these two tests. These test results should determine the rate of growth of the new cancer spots. The PET scan should also tell us if the cancer has spread to any other parts of his body. The ROG and location will help determine what options are available to Jim.

I do not know what the news will be. I am nervous, and a bit scared. I am fearful that it will be bad results. I know that there is nothing that I can do but wait and worry. I think that I will feel more comfortable once I hear the outcome, good or bad. After we hear the conclusions, Jim and I can make a plan. No matter the results, the waiting often seems worse. It has been a very long six weeks. At least when I have a plan, I will feel like I am doing something.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

PET scan Feb 2014...

My husband Jim had a PET scan today. He was told last month that his NSCLC Lung Cancer had returned. This time the cancer is in his right lung. His left pneumonectomy was February 2013. We will not have the results of this PET scan or CT scan until next week. They will check the rate of growth of the "new" cancer; then they will give Jim his options so that Jim can make a new plan of action. Please keep Jim and my family in your thoughts and your prayers. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pineapple Upside Down cake...

Every Super Bowl Sunday, I make a Pineapple Upside-Down Cake. I have no idea how this tradition began for me. As I recall, I was bored one Sunday and decided to bake a cake. It happened to be on Super Bowl Sunday. I'm estimating the year to be between 1995 and 1999, and the Pineapple Upside Down Cake tradition began. Every game since then I have baked this cake. This cake was baked in the cast iron skillet that my grandma gave to me in the late 1980's. It was one of her favorite skillets, and now it is definitely my favorite cooking vessel. If you don’t have a cast iron skillet, a regular cake pan can be substituted. Back in the day, I had made the cake from scratch, but I've had better success with the boxed cake mix. I have no idea where the recipe originally came from so I cannot give credit to the creator. Enjoy! 

Pineapple Upside-down Cake 
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 (20 oz) can pineapple slices, drained, reserve juice
Maraschino cherries, drained and halved *or whole
1 pkg Pineapple Cake Mix (yellow cake mix can be substituted, but not as tasty)
3 large eggs
1  1/3 cup water *see notes
1/3 cup oil
Baking Instructions:
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. For topping, melt butter over low heat in 12-inch cast-iron skillet or skillet with oven-proof handle. (or sub a cake pan.) Sprinkle brown sugar evenly in pan. Arrange pineapple slices on brown sugar. Place maraschino cherry halves, cut side up, in center of pineapple slices. (I use whole cherries; add a few extra's if you like.)
3. For cake, combine cake mix, eggs, water *see notes and oil in large mixing bowl. Beat at low speed  until moistened (about 30 seconds or so). Pour batter (carefully) evenly over fruit in skillet.
4. Bake at 350 ºF for 43-48 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 5 minutes in pan.  Invert onto heat resistant serving plate. 
NOTES: substitute part of the water with pineapple juice.*I sometimes don’t do this because I always forget and just drink the juice!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cancer has returned...

22Jan14: One year ago, on 22Jan13, I announced on FaceBook that Jim had cancer. Exactly one year later, I was on FaceBook once again to let friends and family know that my husband Jim’s cancer had returned.

Jim had a doctor appointment 22Jan13 and we did not receive the news we had hoped for. Jim’s bone scan was good, as expected. The CT scan showed nothing new in the brain, which is great news. The CT scan showed the previous 6mm mass in the lower right lobe is stable, unchanged, which is good because it has not changed. But, the CT scan did show a new 5mm abnormal mass in the middle lobe of the right lung. This is not good news.

The plan is to repeat the CT scan and blood work in six weeks to see the rate of change. There will also be a PET scan in six weeks because the PET will give more detailed information regarding the status of the 5mm mass in the middle lobe, and search for any other new cancers. Jim and I will meet with the oncologist after these tests to review the results and make a plan.

Jim’s attitude and spirits are both good. Of course, we are still processing the information. I’m sure we will have ups and downs. We are thankful for the good news that we received today. We will accept the bad news and deal with it head on as we explore our options. We still move forward with the phrases “it is what it is” and we will “play the cards that are dealt to us”.

We are thankful for our friends and family that has stood with us through this journey. Your love and support are very important to us.

We are thankful for those of you that follow us and give us moral support, your LIKES and words mean the world to us. This journey has been manageable because of the encouragement we have received from you.

Thank you, you know who you are… and we know who you are not. Yes, sadly, we know who who made their choice not there for Jim. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kindred Hearts...

A few years ago I had enrolled to be a volunteer driver for Kindred Hearts Transport Connection; then I went about my life. Out of the blue I received a phone call from KHTC. I had completely forgotten that I had even applied. I was needed to be an overnight host for two dogs, Brindi and Snubby, then transport those dogs then next morning to a town about 90 miles from my home. Reluctantly, I agreed. I was a bit nervous about two strange dogs and how I would manage it since I have a dog of my own. But, I am happy to say that it all worked out very well. I fulfilled the assignment, the girls made it safe and sound to the next driver, and it felt good to volunteer. I took my family along with me so it was a nice volunteer project for the kids also. Afterwards, we had a nice family breakfast at the Ihop, which we all enjoyed. I am really looking forward to driving for KHTC again. 

Ball boy...

My son Matt, in grade 6, was selected to be a ball boy at our local High School for the boys’ varsity game. It was a wonderful opportunity for Matt. He was a bit shy at first but he found his niche. I was very proud of Matt. My family enjoyed watching the game. My daughter Kristen clapped and cheered. She clapped so much her hands were bright red! Kristen LOVES watching sports. It was a wonderful family evening. 


My Aunt invited my family over to her home for dinner and visiting. The dinner was fabulous! It was husband Jim and son Matt’s favorite meal, meatloaf. One can't go wrong with comfort foods. After dinner we played Yahtzee. Three of us scored Yahtzee, one of us did not. I’ll not mention any names, but I will include a photo. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

In the kitchen...

Recently, maybe because of the cold weather, I have been in my kitchen. 

I processed a pumpkin and put 13.5 cups of pumpkin puree into the freezer. I found this link on Pinterest for baking the pumpkin. I then peeled the skins, and sent it through my Kitchenaid vegetable strainer. I actually did try to process it with the skins on, as another Pinner had advised; but that was a big fail. I'm now ready for pumpkin bars, pumpkin cakes, pumpkin cheesecake and many other pumpkin recipes.

I also made a Pecan Pie. I like the recipe by Pioneer Woman. Click the link above to find her recipe. I was ready to try it right away, but I had to wait overnight for the pie to cool. 

Try either one of these recipes; I think you will be pleased. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New year 2014...

Just like many other people, I have set some goals for 2014. One of my goals... more frequent blog posts. I guess time will tell! 

My family is doing well. My husband Jim's NSCLC cancer is currently in "guarded optimism" as we wait to see if the chemo and radiation therapies were successful or not. Jim has more tests in the next few months. 

We will soon be facing more challenges as the new year rolls in. I will expand on those issues on another day. 

I am currently enjoying my canning-food hobby. I am trying new things. Since I am relatively new to canning, most everything I try is new! Ha! I would like to revive my sewing hobby this year. I would also enjoy taking the dog for walks again.