Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cancer has returned...

22Jan14: One year ago, on 22Jan13, I announced on FaceBook that Jim had cancer. Exactly one year later, I was on FaceBook once again to let friends and family know that my husband Jim’s cancer had returned.

Jim had a doctor appointment 22Jan13 and we did not receive the news we had hoped for. Jim’s bone scan was good, as expected. The CT scan showed nothing new in the brain, which is great news. The CT scan showed the previous 6mm mass in the lower right lobe is stable, unchanged, which is good because it has not changed. But, the CT scan did show a new 5mm abnormal mass in the middle lobe of the right lung. This is not good news.

The plan is to repeat the CT scan and blood work in six weeks to see the rate of change. There will also be a PET scan in six weeks because the PET will give more detailed information regarding the status of the 5mm mass in the middle lobe, and search for any other new cancers. Jim and I will meet with the oncologist after these tests to review the results and make a plan.

Jim’s attitude and spirits are both good. Of course, we are still processing the information. I’m sure we will have ups and downs. We are thankful for the good news that we received today. We will accept the bad news and deal with it head on as we explore our options. We still move forward with the phrases “it is what it is” and we will “play the cards that are dealt to us”.

We are thankful for our friends and family that has stood with us through this journey. Your love and support are very important to us.

We are thankful for those of you that follow us and give us moral support, your LIKES and words mean the world to us. This journey has been manageable because of the encouragement we have received from you.

Thank you, you know who you are… and we know who you are not. Yes, sadly, we know who who made their choice not there for Jim. 

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