Friday, December 9, 2011

I’m just not into Christmas this year

I’m just not into the Christmas spirit this year. I don’t know why. Last year by this point I had all my holiday baking done and in the freezer. I had all my gifts purchased. I had my Christmas cards mailed. I had my tree up and decorated. This year… not. I’m not in a bad mood or depressed or anything like that; I’m just completely unmotivated. So, I took baking off my list of things to do. That will help free up some time. I haven’t worried about wrapping gifts yet, because they are not all purchased yet! Lol. I (we) did get our tree up! It is aqua and silver.

I am really looking forward to seeing Jessica & Joe, and their triplets, in January. My, how they have grown since I saw them last. I am thankful for FaceBook photos, and Skype. Time is flying by, but it is a joy to see them grow. Jessica & Joe are wonderful parents to their three daughters. Here is a recent pic of K E A, 15 months old. 

I miss our other two grandbabies. I wish their mother/father didn’t keep them from us while they play the “I’m a victim” game. It is so sad when parents use their children in such a negative way. Who do they think will really pay the price for this? True, they are temporarily hurting us by stopping all communications and contact; but in the long run they are hurting their own children. My stepdaughter/sil will not have to answer to me, they are adults and make their own choices. One day they will have to answer to their own children, and their children will see right through the stories that they have been told. It is sad that they are using the grandkids as pawns to try and gain attention for themselves. It will be a sad day for all when these grandkids realize that they have been used by the parents that claim to love them.

In addition to not being into Christmas this year, I’m not into blogging either. Lol. It will take me a while to get used to writing this blog. Be patient. I was planning to write about my dad having his 80th birthday party. I was going to write about the stress of our daughter Kristen being on a “waiting list” for handicap services, a list that is 57 years long! I was going to write about the beautiful fall weather and the gorgeous trees this year. Maybe someday I’ll fill in these gaps. I had good blogging-intentions, but not enough follow-through.

Well, it is time to move forward with today. Each day is a new chance to start fresh, so that is what I will be doing. J

Enjoy today, Sherri 

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