Saturday, November 5, 2011


I have not joined Pinterest. At first I wasn’t sure what it even was. So I just ignored it. Then, many different types of people were all talking about Pinterest. My crafty friends were talking about it, along with my non-crafty friends, men, women, younger friends, older friends. Humm… nope, still haven’t joined. And now even more people are mentioning Pinterest. 

So, I did what I always do… I asked my daughter, Kira, about it. She is young (26) and she knows about all the new techy stuff. I guess one needs an invitation to join Pinterest. Kira, of course, had sent me an invitation to join MONTHS ago (which I had ignored). Kira told me it was a sight to, basically, make lists. Well, I kind of already do that with my various “favorites” lists on my computer. Kira went on to explain that the website lets you “pin” your “interests” with little photos, making your lists more interesting and easy to get to. Still, I am resisting.

Well, my curiosity got the best of me today, so I looked at the Pinterest sight a bit. Okay, it’s not that bad, maybe I’ll join. But, it wants me to use my FaceBook to log-in info to register. That is enough to scare me away. I don’t want every sight that I pin to show up on my newsfeed. But wait, Kira’s Pinterest stuff doesn’t show up on FaceBook. Maybe it will be okay. Oh, and I see that I can have followers. That might be fun. I do have people asking me about various projects, maybe they would follow me. I wonder if anyone would follow a list of my interests. Humm… what to do, join or not join?!

I’m popping over to look at the website one more time. I can see that I have several friends that are using Pinrest. Well, I am thinking of joining. 

OKAY, I did it! Oh dear, now what do I do?! How come Kira isn't here to walk me through this?! What now?! lol. 

Criminy, now I’ll be up half the night trying to figure this out. lol. If you'd like an invitation to join Pinterest, let me know and I'll send you an invite. 
Note 11.5.2011: I did NOT like that Pinterest had me following a ton of people that I did not know! Now I have to figure out how to unfollow someone! Right now, I am not pleased. 
Note 11.7.2011: I think I have figured out Pinterest, somewhat. Thank you Kira for your help. I am actually enjoying Pinterest now. :o)
Edit: Pinterest no longer requires an invite! 

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