Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011 has come, and gone

We had a nice Christmas holiday. My youngest kids (still at home) had a great day. Kristen, age 16 (special needs) received lots of Dora the Explorer, which is her very favorite. Santa brought her a new camera. Thank heavens it is digital because she has already snapped 100’s of photos. Kristen hasn’t quite mastered the skill of aiming the camera, so most photos are of her shoes! Lol. Maybe she’ll figure it out some day.

Matt, age 10, received lots of art supplies. Matt is in to art/drawing/illustrating… well, at least that is what he is interested in right now. His art kit had many different styles to experiment with: chalk, charcoal, oils, pastels, paints, pencils etc. Matt has already started to work with some of these new techniques.

Jim and I talked by phone to my son Dan and his wife Kari. Dan is USAF and they are stationed in England. We will be going to visit them in March 2012. The gifts we sent to them have not yet arrived, but that is my fault for mailing them later than I should have. Hopefully, next year I will be more on the ball.

We also talked by FaceTime with my daughter Kira (Denten was still sleeping). Denten is USAF and they are stationed in Dover, Delaware. Kira was able to watch Kristen and Matt open the gifts that they had sent to us. iPhones and technology are so nice, especially this time of year. We loved having Kira “here” with us to open gifts. Our gifts to them did not arrive yet; again, because I mailed them too late. Kira will be here in March to watch our Kristen while we are gone to England since Kristen cannot go with us.

We especially enjoyed Skyping with daughter Jessica and her husband Joe, and the triplets. The girls are 16 months old now, and learning new skills every day. Jim was over the moon during this call. Jessica had the girls visit together as a group, and separately. It was so nice to get to visit with each one. We waved, played peek-a-boo, blew kisses and most importantly we talked to each one. We are hopeful that Skyping with the girls will help the triplets to recognize us when they visit here in a few weeks. We are SO looking forward to seeing Jessica and her entire family.

Jim’s oldest daughter did not respond to Christmas, nothing. She did not call, or let the kids call. She did not send a Christmas card. She did not send any photos, or any news. We did reach out to her, but did not receive any reply. We would have loved to have visited with all the grandkids. It is sad that she has created such unnecessary drama. 

These next few weeks will be filled with preparing for visitors. We are so excited to see the grandkids… and their parents too. My thoughts are now turning towards the New Year. I am looking forward to 2012.

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