Friday, December 16, 2011

I am emotionally drained

Our daughter had her IEP (Individual Education Plan) at her school today. I am wiped out, emotionally drained. The IEP wasn’t stressful, but the realization that she only has 2-4 years left of school is unraveling me.

We went to a meeting a while ago that told us that there was a 4,000 person wait list for services, and that they are only approving about 70 per year… so with long division one can figure out that in 57 years she should ‘make the cut’ for services. But wait! There’s more! There is an age 65 cut off as well. So, by the time Kristen qualifies for these “services” she will be old to qualify.

So, what is the point?! Why waste my time, energy and expense of filing this paperwork yearly?! And if in one of those years, the paper work is wrong or late, to the back of the line we go. I have passed from frustrated to angry to depressed. My heart aches.

So… then what? Well, since there is a 57 year wait for services, I guess she is doomed to a life of watching TV. Dora and Barney, day in and day out.  It is so sad and so depressing, knowing that she will have “no life” to speak of. I can’t imagine just sitting there watching TV all day long. And selfishly, what will happen to me? I will receive the same fate.

Come to find out, these “services” are available for self-pay clients. I don’t have that kind of money.

Kristen’s IEP triggered this rush of emotion today. I am tired of thinking. My head hurts from thinking about it, my eyes hurt from crying about it, my heart hurts with helplessness. To cheer me up, here is a photo of Kristen getting fitted for her new leg braces. 

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