Monday, January 9, 2012

What a WONDERFUL visit!

Jim’s daughter Jessica and her husband Joe, along with their triplet daughters, just left after their extended weekend visit at our home here in Kansas for our Christmas. It was such a wonderful weekend! I’m sad that it is over.

The triplets are now 16 months old. They are exploring their world around them. They aren’t walking yet, but anyone can see that they will be walking any day now. They are such good babies. They rarely fuss, they share, they are cuddly, they have great smiles, and joyful personalities. I love seeing how much they love their mommy and daddy, and how much their mom and dad love each of them.

While they were here visiting here with us, we had annual photos taken. Getting Christmas photos is a tradition that we just started last year.  I hope this is something we will continue to do for years and years to come. It is so fun to look back at last year’s photo and see the miraculous growth in each of the girls. Here are the girls photos from this year (Jan2012), and last year (Jan2011). Can you tell them apart? lol 

We have not yet seen all of the photos from the photo shoot. We’ve only seen the sneak-peek. We absolutely loved J Mason Photography in Wichita Kansas that took the photos for us. These are my personal favorites (so far).

I know how busy Jessica and Joe are, and it was such a blessing that they loaded up their three babies and drove six hours to visit us. I know how much work a road trip can be; and I truly appreciate their efforts. I hope that trips to grandpa and grandma’s house will become lasting memories for the grandkids.

I miss them already. I am SOOO looking forward to seeing the kiddo’s in person in the late spring/early summer 2012. Skyping is great, but in person is so much better. :)

I hope ALL the grandkids know, or will learn, just how much we love them. <3 

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