Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kindred Hearts...

A few years ago I had enrolled to be a volunteer driver for Kindred Hearts Transport Connection; then I went about my life. Out of the blue I received a phone call from KHTC. I had completely forgotten that I had even applied. I was needed to be an overnight host for two dogs, Brindi and Snubby, then transport those dogs then next morning to a town about 90 miles from my home. Reluctantly, I agreed. I was a bit nervous about two strange dogs and how I would manage it since I have a dog of my own. But, I am happy to say that it all worked out very well. I fulfilled the assignment, the girls made it safe and sound to the next driver, and it felt good to volunteer. I took my family along with me so it was a nice volunteer project for the kids also. Afterwards, we had a nice family breakfast at the Ihop, which we all enjoyed. I am really looking forward to driving for KHTC again. 

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