Monday, August 5, 2013

School Supplies...

Usually I really enjoy shopping for school supplies, finding things for cheap or free, driving all over town for $0.01 deals, bragging about how little I paid for school supplies... this year, not.

I don't have the time to dedicate to this project; looking up prices, comparison shopping, checking my list, driving here and there, and so forth. Usually it takes three or four weeks to find each item on sale. I just can't spend that amount of time.

Then, there's the financial side of it. Gasoline isn't cheap.  Right now we simply have no money. Jim won't receive his next disability check until September; so we have no income for July and August. Even though my kids won't have supplies at the start of the school year, I can't justify charging more gasoline for this school supply project.

So, what used to be a fun hobby (finding supplies at huge discounts) has now become a dreaded chore. I just don't have the energy or commitment to complete this task. My solution is: in September I'll just go to the dollar general and buy the items all at once, no matter what the price. This way I'll be done with it and I'll be able to scratch this off my list of things to do. Who knows, maybe items will be on clearance.

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