Monday, May 6, 2013

Low white blood cells...

Today (C2d22) Jim was to have another chemo treatment. I say “was” because his treatment was cancelled due to a very low white blood cell count. WBC allow a body to fend off germs. It would put him at risk to have the treatment, and it puts him at risk if he does not have the treatment. It’s a no-win situation.

Jim will now have a series of injections to try and build up his white blood cells. These injections carry a risk as well. Jim must also begin an antibiotic series for a week, again a risk. The goal is to boost Jim’s WBC count so that he can resume his chemotherapy treatments.

This is not the news that I want to report. As I have said before, it is what it is and we will play the cards that are dealt to us. Jim's WBC count needs to rise to an acceptable level. If you are so inclined, please add Jim to your prayer list, send good thoughts, words of encouragement, and so forth. 

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