Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Once again I am left in awe because of the kindness of others. My co-workers (at two schools!) donated money to Jim and I to help with medical expenses. I was so surprised, so thankful, so grateful, and so appreciative of their kindness and generosity. I certainly did not expect it! I was so touched and overwhelmed with their compassion I had to fight back tears just minutes before school was to start because I didn't want the kids at school to think something was wrong. I held it together, barely. I will always wonder if my friends know how much their gesture meant to me. 

Their timing was impeccable. Just yesterday I had expressed concern in my blog about Jim’s low white blood cell count. I didn't blog about the financial aspect, but I also had concern about Jim’s five extra trips to the cancer facility to receive the additional medications. Each trip takes more gasoline money. Each additional doctor visit is another $35 co-pay. My main focus was, and is, Jim’s low WBC counts… but in the back of my mind I was worried about the extra expenses. I knew (or was hopeful) the funds would somehow work out; at least it always seems to work out. Little did I know that 'elves" were at work gathering funds to assist us through this crisis. The amount that we received, $249.00, was the exact amount to cover the five co-pays, plus gasoline, plus Jim’s new prescriptions. It was amazing to me that the exact amount we needed was the exact amount we received. As a friend told me today, God knows. 

They will never know just how deeply I was moved by their kindness. Some of the co-workers I have know for years, some of them I recently met, some of them I do not know at all. And yet, they helped us. Someday I will pay it forward. 

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