Thursday, September 12, 2013

No information...

My husband, Jim, has now completed his radiation regime for his stage 4 lung cancer NSCLC. The radiation center gave Jim a cheesy diploma (lol). Jim had already completed his four cycles of chemotherapy. Jim also completed an additional cycle of chemotherapy with a different drug.

Jim had his appointment with his oncologist. We learned… nothing. Yes your read that correctly, we learned nothing. Jim was told to “come back in five weeks” and “we’ll see how you’re doing”.

I think it is time for a second opinion. I do not like the vagueness and allusiveness of this doctor. The doctor tends to practice what I call “defensive doctoring”, meaning the tests, procedures, and health plan are all geared towards a CYA approach of doctoring and do not appear to be geared towards Jim’s unique cancer and unique situation. I was disappointed with the “nothing” report that we received.

Jim has consulted with another doctor to request that Jim’s CTs and PETs are reviewed and explained in full. Jim had asked his own oncologist but the oncologist never complied with Jim's request. As you may recall Jim had a complete left pneumonectomy. My specific concern is that Jim had a nodule in the right lung, and now they are not commenting about that nodule. If it is gone, that is actually a bad thing (not a good thing); because that means that there was actually cancer in the right lung. If the nodule is gone, that means that the chemo has worked to reduce the nodule, but the simple fact that the nodule was there at all means that the cancer has spread to other organs (the right lung). If the nodule is still there, that is actually a good thing because that means it is probably a fungus which is common in our area of the Midwest. 

On a more positive note, I suppose that a neutral "nothing" report is better than a negative report. 

Jim remains extremely nauseated. Jim remains extremely fatigued. Jim is doing his very best to manage his multiple symptoms, but it is a daily challenge. As I have said many times, and will continue to say: Play the cards that are dealt; and it is what it is.

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