Wednesday, July 25, 2012

42 minutes

In 2011 I had set a goal to participate and finish a 5K event, and to not come in last place. A 5k is approximately 3.1 miles. This was a very far reaching goal for me, considering my age, weight, lack of exercise, and my health issues. In August 2011 our local school, Abilene Elementary, hosted the Hornet Hustle as a fund raiser. It was not exactly a “race”, more of a “fun run” because participants were allowed to walk. I signed up. To show support for me, my husband Jim participated with me. *Thanks Jim! 
I am very pleased to report that I did, in fact, finish that event. It was my very first 5K, and I was not in last place… almost last, but not last. It took me 56 minutes. I was so sore and stiff that I could barely move for four days afterward. It was actually quiet distressing and pathetic that this was my best. I had a little voice in my head that said “Really?!”

In January 2012 I set some New Year’s Resolutions. One resolution was to take my dog, Sam, for 52 walks with a goal of 104 miles. Another was to enter the Hornet Hustle in August 2012, and to reduce my time by 25%, without being sore and stiff afterwards.

I have some ‘health issues’, both past and current. I won’t go into those here, but let’s just say that there is a list. I told my doctor that I wanted to take up walking, and she gave me the green light.
January 2012: I decided that I would let my friends hold me accountable. I started using the “Nike+ running” app which publicly posts my results to my FaceBook page. I started walking. It was cold. It was difficult. I could barely complete one mile of walking. I was sore and aching. I tried to add a few steps with each walk. Throughout the next six months I encountered illness, injury, my medical condition, and other setbacks. But I kept walking, trying to add distance, and then speed.

I was very encouraged in June when I reached my goal of walking my dog for 104 miles. My dog is very happy and healthy. I thought this goal would take the entire year, and I had done it in six months! My family also entered “The Color Run” 5k in June 2012. I was able to complete it without being sore, stiff, and achy; another part of my goal completed. These two factors were very motivating for me.
The Hornet Hustle is in one month, August 25, 2012. In order to shave my previous 5k time by 25%, I will need a time of 42 minutes. Oh my! 42 minutes is not a goal for most people. Most people could do 42 minutes with little to no effort at all. To me, 42 minutes is a huge challenge. But I decided that I am not competing against most people; I am only competing against myself. I decided that I will be proud of my race time, even though I am going to be at the back of the pack. I will have to push myself to reach my goal. I am now able to add a bit of slow jogging, but I still mostly walk. It has been difficult in this summer heat, multiple days of 100°+, but the race is so close that I cannot let up now. I do not know if I will meet my 42 minute goal, but I will certainly try. If you would like to sponsor me, make checks to Abilene PTO. ;) But most importantly, I need to say Thank You to my fb friends (especially J, K, D, B, & S) that have been so encouraging to me.  

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