Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Thank you...

Thank you. Throughout Jim’s cancer crisis I have been in awe of the kindness and generosity displayed to us. Some people we knew would step forward and assist us in any way they could, and they certainly have. Some people we didn't expect but were pleasantly surprised by their help. Some saw a need and just took care of it. Some pointed us in the right direction. Some have prayed for us, thought of us, provided positive energy and uplifted us. Some people helped with encouraging words (some spoken and some written), some in actions and deeds, some with childcare, some financially, some gave time, some gave meals, some gave gift cards, some gave groceries, some in all categories. Some people have no idea just how much they have helped us. Sometimes it was a huge need that was met. Sometimes it was the littlest thing that was huge to us. Sometimes it was a tiny smile or a fb post of theirs that hit home. Some people knew that they helped us; some have no idea that it meant so much. Some types of assistance were easy to accept; sometimes we had to swallow our pride to say yes. Some of you truly were the mouth or hands of God, if you realize it or not. Some of you helped anonymously… and we never did figure out who you were, so I cannot personally thank you but I hope you know that you are appreciated.  We are so very thankful to each of you. If I haven’t personally thanked you, please know that I meant to and it was an oversight. Some of you may not realize that it was you that touched our hearts. Jim and I (and Matt) had a conversation regarding how it felt to be blessed by others, so that we can remember that feeling, so that we can pay it forward in the future. Several days I have been moved to tears by your words or deeds, and again today is one of those days as I reflect back over the last few months. Sometimes "Thank You" doesn't seem like it's deep enough to say what we feel, but I don't have a better phrase. Thank you, from both Jim and I. <3