Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011 has come, and gone

We had a nice Christmas holiday. My youngest kids (still at home) had a great day. Kristen, age 16 (special needs) received lots of Dora the Explorer, which is her very favorite. Santa brought her a new camera. Thank heavens it is digital because she has already snapped 100’s of photos. Kristen hasn’t quite mastered the skill of aiming the camera, so most photos are of her shoes! Lol. Maybe she’ll figure it out some day.

Matt, age 10, received lots of art supplies. Matt is in to art/drawing/illustrating… well, at least that is what he is interested in right now. His art kit had many different styles to experiment with: chalk, charcoal, oils, pastels, paints, pencils etc. Matt has already started to work with some of these new techniques.

Jim and I talked by phone to my son Dan and his wife Kari. Dan is USAF and they are stationed in England. We will be going to visit them in March 2012. The gifts we sent to them have not yet arrived, but that is my fault for mailing them later than I should have. Hopefully, next year I will be more on the ball.

We also talked by FaceTime with my daughter Kira (Denten was still sleeping). Denten is USAF and they are stationed in Dover, Delaware. Kira was able to watch Kristen and Matt open the gifts that they had sent to us. iPhones and technology are so nice, especially this time of year. We loved having Kira “here” with us to open gifts. Our gifts to them did not arrive yet; again, because I mailed them too late. Kira will be here in March to watch our Kristen while we are gone to England since Kristen cannot go with us.

We especially enjoyed Skyping with daughter Jessica and her husband Joe, and the triplets. The girls are 16 months old now, and learning new skills every day. Jim was over the moon during this call. Jessica had the girls visit together as a group, and separately. It was so nice to get to visit with each one. We waved, played peek-a-boo, blew kisses and most importantly we talked to each one. We are hopeful that Skyping with the girls will help the triplets to recognize us when they visit here in a few weeks. We are SO looking forward to seeing Jessica and her entire family.

Jim’s oldest daughter did not respond to Christmas, nothing. She did not call, or let the kids call. She did not send a Christmas card. She did not send any photos, or any news. We did reach out to her, but did not receive any reply. We would have loved to have visited with all the grandkids. It is sad that she has created such unnecessary drama. 

These next few weeks will be filled with preparing for visitors. We are so excited to see the grandkids… and their parents too. My thoughts are now turning towards the New Year. I am looking forward to 2012.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I am emotionally drained

Our daughter had her IEP (Individual Education Plan) at her school today. I am wiped out, emotionally drained. The IEP wasn’t stressful, but the realization that she only has 2-4 years left of school is unraveling me.

We went to a meeting a while ago that told us that there was a 4,000 person wait list for services, and that they are only approving about 70 per year… so with long division one can figure out that in 57 years she should ‘make the cut’ for services. But wait! There’s more! There is an age 65 cut off as well. So, by the time Kristen qualifies for these “services” she will be old to qualify.

So, what is the point?! Why waste my time, energy and expense of filing this paperwork yearly?! And if in one of those years, the paper work is wrong or late, to the back of the line we go. I have passed from frustrated to angry to depressed. My heart aches.

So… then what? Well, since there is a 57 year wait for services, I guess she is doomed to a life of watching TV. Dora and Barney, day in and day out.  It is so sad and so depressing, knowing that she will have “no life” to speak of. I can’t imagine just sitting there watching TV all day long. And selfishly, what will happen to me? I will receive the same fate.

Come to find out, these “services” are available for self-pay clients. I don’t have that kind of money.

Kristen’s IEP triggered this rush of emotion today. I am tired of thinking. My head hurts from thinking about it, my eyes hurt from crying about it, my heart hurts with helplessness. To cheer me up, here is a photo of Kristen getting fitted for her new leg braces. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

I’m just not into Christmas this year

I’m just not into the Christmas spirit this year. I don’t know why. Last year by this point I had all my holiday baking done and in the freezer. I had all my gifts purchased. I had my Christmas cards mailed. I had my tree up and decorated. This year… not. I’m not in a bad mood or depressed or anything like that; I’m just completely unmotivated. So, I took baking off my list of things to do. That will help free up some time. I haven’t worried about wrapping gifts yet, because they are not all purchased yet! Lol. I (we) did get our tree up! It is aqua and silver.

I am really looking forward to seeing Jessica & Joe, and their triplets, in January. My, how they have grown since I saw them last. I am thankful for FaceBook photos, and Skype. Time is flying by, but it is a joy to see them grow. Jessica & Joe are wonderful parents to their three daughters. Here is a recent pic of K E A, 15 months old. 

I miss our other two grandbabies. I wish their mother/father didn’t keep them from us while they play the “I’m a victim” game. It is so sad when parents use their children in such a negative way. Who do they think will really pay the price for this? True, they are temporarily hurting us by stopping all communications and contact; but in the long run they are hurting their own children. My stepdaughter/sil will not have to answer to me, they are adults and make their own choices. One day they will have to answer to their own children, and their children will see right through the stories that they have been told. It is sad that they are using the grandkids as pawns to try and gain attention for themselves. It will be a sad day for all when these grandkids realize that they have been used by the parents that claim to love them.

In addition to not being into Christmas this year, I’m not into blogging either. Lol. It will take me a while to get used to writing this blog. Be patient. I was planning to write about my dad having his 80th birthday party. I was going to write about the stress of our daughter Kristen being on a “waiting list” for handicap services, a list that is 57 years long! I was going to write about the beautiful fall weather and the gorgeous trees this year. Maybe someday I’ll fill in these gaps. I had good blogging-intentions, but not enough follow-through.

Well, it is time to move forward with today. Each day is a new chance to start fresh, so that is what I will be doing. J

Enjoy today, Sherri 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I have not joined Pinterest. At first I wasn’t sure what it even was. So I just ignored it. Then, many different types of people were all talking about Pinterest. My crafty friends were talking about it, along with my non-crafty friends, men, women, younger friends, older friends. Humm… nope, still haven’t joined. And now even more people are mentioning Pinterest. 

So, I did what I always do… I asked my daughter, Kira, about it. She is young (26) and she knows about all the new techy stuff. I guess one needs an invitation to join Pinterest. Kira, of course, had sent me an invitation to join MONTHS ago (which I had ignored). Kira told me it was a sight to, basically, make lists. Well, I kind of already do that with my various “favorites” lists on my computer. Kira went on to explain that the website lets you “pin” your “interests” with little photos, making your lists more interesting and easy to get to. Still, I am resisting.

Well, my curiosity got the best of me today, so I looked at the Pinterest sight a bit. Okay, it’s not that bad, maybe I’ll join. But, it wants me to use my FaceBook to log-in info to register. That is enough to scare me away. I don’t want every sight that I pin to show up on my newsfeed. But wait, Kira’s Pinterest stuff doesn’t show up on FaceBook. Maybe it will be okay. Oh, and I see that I can have followers. That might be fun. I do have people asking me about various projects, maybe they would follow me. I wonder if anyone would follow a list of my interests. Humm… what to do, join or not join?!

I’m popping over to look at the website one more time. I can see that I have several friends that are using Pinrest. Well, I am thinking of joining. 

OKAY, I did it! Oh dear, now what do I do?! How come Kira isn't here to walk me through this?! What now?! lol. 

Criminy, now I’ll be up half the night trying to figure this out. lol. If you'd like an invitation to join Pinterest, let me know and I'll send you an invite. 
Note 11.5.2011: I did NOT like that Pinterest had me following a ton of people that I did not know! Now I have to figure out how to unfollow someone! Right now, I am not pleased. 
Note 11.7.2011: I think I have figured out Pinterest, somewhat. Thank you Kira for your help. I am actually enjoying Pinterest now. :o)
Edit: Pinterest no longer requires an invite! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My first blog.

Wow, I'm not sure what to write, when to write, or who I am even writing to. Perhaps I am only writing to myself? I guess I will figure this out as I go along. Sometimes I write for my own therapy, sometimes I write to rant, sometimes I write just to chit chat... so I suppose you'll see a little of everything.

I am a married stay-at-home mom with two kids still at home. My daughter is special needs, age 16 (but functions at age 3) and my son is 10. I'm sure you will hear a lot about them. I have been married to Jim nearly 20 years. I also have two adult children that are married and on their own; and two adult step children that are married and on their own. 

I have five (step) grandkids, born in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2010, 2010. *sorry, I don't have a current photo of my older grandbabies.

Well, since this is my first test run, I guess that is all I have to say for now. Thanks for stopping by and reading this. ~Sherri